The Dodgeville School Board held its regular monthly meeting Monday, January 20th at 6:30pm.
The Board unanimously approved the minutes of the Special School Board Meeting on December 4, 2024 & Regular School Board Meeting on December 16, 2024.
The Board unanimously approved December Payable Expenditures and Payroll Expenditures in the amount of $1,062,160.91
During the Public Comment, Brian Zwick shared his experience with a successful referendum in Iowa-Grant and encouraged the board to communicate the negative impacts of a failed referendum to the community.
Administration recognized the following accomplishments:
DMS Principal, Toby Tripalin recognizes 8th student Nash Anton for his quick action in performing the Heimlich maneuver on a choking student, which he learned in health class.
Director of Student Services, Erin Spadafore recognizes DES Paraprofessional Amber Husom for making the Dean's list at UW-Whitewater. Amber is working to become a Special Education Teacher and out of the 11,700 students at UW-Whitewater, she is one of only 3,700 who made the list.
DMS Principal, Heather Zizis recognizes DES Art Teacher Hanna Miller for her collaborative efforts and initiative in starting an after-school art club and organizing a spring art show.
The Board heard a report from the Student School Board Representative:
Student Representative Bryce Grolbert provided an overview of recent student accomplishments, highlighted on the district's social media pages and shared at the Wednesday, January 8th Committee Meeting.
Highlights included: Donations, Key Club drive to support Family Advocates of Iowa County, DMS & DHS holiday concerts, Boys Basketball game at the FISERV Forum, FFA SAE Grant Recipients, Athletic Booster Trivia Night, DHS Alumni Pep Band performance, and a recap of Hakkon Peterson committing to wrestle for the University of Michigan.
The Board discussed and reviewed information presented at the Committee Meetings
Superintendent Ryan Bohnsack gives an overview of the Policy Committee's recent meeting, including the review of three different policies, updates to the staff support handbook, and the district calendar for next school year.
The Board discussed discontinuing paying support staff for bad weather days and the need for summer opportunities for staff.
The Board also reviewed the promotion for 8th students and the inclusion of the charter school in the educational options for children.
Superintendent Bohnsack reported on the Finance Committee's review of bills and the district budget update.
The Building and Grounds Committee discussed the maintenance staff's communication strategy and the need for more staffing in the maintenance and food service areas.
The Board discussed and heard presentation about the Referendum Updates
Superintendent Bohnsack provided an update on the referendum process, including the need to pass a $2.49 million recurring referendum to avoid significant cuts.
The Board discussed the impact of not passing the referendum, including potential cuts to salaries, benefits, purchase services, and supplies.
Bohnsack emphasized the importance of the referendum for the district's financial stability and the need to communicate the potential impacts to the community.
The Board plans to engage with the community through various means, including mailings, meetings, and social media, to educate and inform the public about the upcoming referendum.
Action Items Approved:
The Board unanimously approved the resignations of Sandra Fenoglia (ELL teacher) and Karla Baker (Cook/Server) and thanked them for their service to the district.
The Board unanimously approved the 2025-2026 school calendar.
The Board unanimously approved the co-curricular contracts for DMS theatre.
The Board unanimously approved the Support Staff Handbook updates.
The Board unanimously approved the conference realignment.
The Board unanimously approved the SEEING Forward Charter School contract.
The Board unanimously approved the gymnastics co-op renewal.
The Board unanimously set the open enrollment limits for the 2025-2026 school year.
The Board unanimously approved the district's Notice of Educational Options For Children who reside in the School District and of School Accountability and Performance Data.
The Board unanimously approved a Resolution Authorizing the School District Budget to Exceed Revenue Limit by $2,490,000 for Recurring Purposes.
The Board unanimously approved Resolution Providing for a Referendum Election on the Question of the Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the School District Budget to Exceed Revenue Limit by $2,490,000 for Recurring Purposes.
February Meetings:
Committee Meetings: Wednesday, February 7th at 5:15 pm
Regular School Board Meeting: Monday, February 19th at 6:30 pm